General University Hospital in Prague – Paediatric unit
General information
The General University Hospital in Prague (GUH) is an independent contributory organization with legal personality under the direct control of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic. It provides basic, specialized and highly specialized outpatient and inpatient care for children and adults. At workplaces common to the 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, it creates a broad base not only for diagnostic, therapeutic and nursing care, but also for teaching, science and research. The hospital has the longest tradition of academic medicine in the Czech Republic and since its foundation in 1790 until today it is the largest research medical institution and the main teaching institution of the First Faculty of Medicine. GUH currently hosts 5 of the 24 ERNs: ERN RITA, MetabERN, ERN-Eye, ERN-Lung and ERN-RND.
ERN RITA and General University Hospital in Prague
GUH provides complex multidisciplinary care for patients in 3 out of 4 main RITA disease streams: Paediatric Rheumatology, Autoimmune (adult and paediatric vasculitis) and Autoinflammatory (adult and paediatric) diseases. Paediatric care is concentrated at the Centre for Paediatric Rheumatology and Autoinflammatory Diseases (lead by Pavla Dolezalova) of the Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. Adult care is provided by the Department of Nephrology (lead by Vladimir Tesar). Both units have outpatient as well as inpatient facilities and direct access to the full spectrum of medical specialties as well as imaging and laboratory services including new-generation genetic technologies. The paediatric unit is the largest paediatric rheumatology and autoinflammatory disease service in the country continuously following more than 1200 patients with the wide spectrum of rare inflammatory conditions. The joint nephrology-rheumatology-paediatric rheumatology clinic follows adult patients with autoinflammatory diseases. Department of Nephrology is a national referral centre for adult vasculitis following adult patients with the spectrum of vasculitic disorders.
Contact information
Dr Pavla Doležalová PhD
Professor of paediatrics, certified paediatric rheumatologist, head of the Centre for Paediatric Rheumatology and Autoinflammatory Diseases
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Dr Dana Němcová
Assistant professor of paediatrics, certified rheumatologist and paediatric rheumatologist
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Dr Jozef Hoza PhD
Associate professor, certified paediatrician and adolescent medicine specialist
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Dr Šárka Fingerhutová
Assistant professor of paediatrics, certified paediatric rheumatologist
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