The EU level Call to Action on Newborn Screening for Rare Diseases launched by IPOPI, the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID) and the International Society for Neonatal Screening (ISNS) last December at the IPOPI 13th EU PID Forum is now available for consultation.

The 13th IPOPI EU PID Forum was dedicated to “Newborn screening for rare diseases – A PID perspective” and set the scene for a strong political debate on newborn screening for severe combined immunodeficiencies as well as other severe forms of PIDs (such as complete Di George syndrome). The Call to action was supported by a high number of MEPs including those present at the Forum: Dr Manuel Pizarro (Social-Democrats, Portugal), Ms Tilly Metz (Greens, Luxembourg), Ms Irena Joveva (Renew Europe, Slovenia), Ms Sirpa Pietikainen (European People’s Party, Finland) and Dr Tudor Ciuhodaru MEP (Social-Democrats, Romania).

The Call to Action stresses the need for the development and implementation of overarching guidelines in the field of newborn screening for rare diseases and the creation of a European newborn screening standing committee was observed. This would facilitate the exchange of best practices and recommendations on newborn screening and allow national decision-makers to better access information and solid evidence from other Member States.