General Information

Clinical Guidelines / Recommendations Working Group


The Clinical Guidelines Working Group, chaired by Bas Vastert (UMC Utrecht), focuses on identifying priority areas within each specialty and contributing to the development of new clinical guidelines.

For more details about European Reference Network Clinical Practice Guidelines, visit the European Commission’s website.

ERN-RITA Endorsement of Clinical Guidelines

Members of ERN-RITA, whether full or affiliated, can request endorsement for clinical guidelines. These requests are reviewed by the ERN-RITA Clinical Guidelines Committee.

An endorsement from ERN-RITA requires appropriate acknowledgment of the network in related publications, reports, event websites, and other outputs. It does not include any financial support.

Developing New Clinical Guidelines

As part of its activities, ERN-RITA has initiated a clinical guideline project under the framework of the ERN grant 2023-2027.

For inquiries about endorsement requests, please refer to the designated process.