We are pleased to announce that three new patient organisations have recently joined RIPAG (RITA Patient Advocacy Group). This expansion further strengthens our collective efforts in supporting patients with rare immunological and autoinflammatory diseases.

Autoinflammatory Disorders Stream

AIPO z.s. (Czech Republic)

  • Representative: Kateřina Azim Aburas
  • Website: Not yet available

Autoimmune Diseases Stream

Suomen Vaskuliittiyhdistys ry (Finland)

Primary Immunodeficiencies Stream

Vereniging voor Angio-Oedeem (Netherlands)

We are excited to welcome these organisations to RIPAG and look forward to collaborating with them to maintain ERN RITA’s patient-centric focus and leverage their expertise as essential contributors to the RITA network.

For more information about RIPAG, please visit this webpage.