Save the date: December 6th 2022, 12:00 PM (CEST)

Register now to the next webinar of the Tuesday Lunch with RITA webinar series!

On 06 December 2022, at 12:00 we will receive Prof. Petter Brodin who will highlight different aspects of immune dysregulation and cytokine storms, including comments on COVID-19/MISC/LongCOVID.

Petter Brodin is a clinician scientist, professor of Pediatric Immunology with expertise in translational immunology in children. He has recently joined Imperial College London as the Garfield Weston Chair and professor of pediatric immunology. 

P. Brodin

C. Wouters
F. De Benedetti

You are kindly invited to send questions on the topic before the webinar to

The session will be recorded and uploaded to ERN-RITA Youtube channel, please check for all recordings and information on future webinars.