Research working GROUP
- Creating a constructive network across streams and expertise
- Favour collaborations
- Facilitating synergies across members and countries
- Helping members who are interested in applying to various research projects
How ?
- Monitor research calls to disseminate to the members via the internal and external communication channels (Basecamp, website, social media)
- Create a list of common projects, in order to help members to be a part of existing projects
- Organise webinars (bi-annual) on relevant topics, for ex: How to build a EU project, presentation of an on-going/future project
- Creation of sub-groups on specific topics to accelerate patient oriented research, i.e. cutting-edge technologies…
- Novel cell- and gene-based therapies
- Development of cytokine and antibody therapies
- Cutting edge technologies for assessing immunophenotyping
- Clinical studies, epidemiology
- Social sciences
Anne-Sophie Korganow
Strasbourg University Hospital
Alessandra Magnani (Co-chair),
Fabrizio de Benedetti (Member),
Alexandre Belot (Member),
Bodo Grimbacher (Member),
Carine Wouters (Member),
Marco Gattorno (Member),
Marielle van Gijn (Member),
Mark Little (Member),
Michael Albert (Member),
Nico Wulffraat (Member),
Nizar Mahlaoui (Member),
Siobhan Burns (Member)