IT/e-Health working GROUP
There are two main areas ITWG is involved in:
1) To develop and support RITA clinical activities
- Clinical Patient Management System
- European registry (in collaboration with the Registry WG)
2) To assist other RITA Working Groups and Coordinating Centre with IT/communication issues
- RITA website
- Technical aspects of other activities (e.g. educational webinars in collaboration with the Education WG)
- Promotion and marketing of RITA activities in member countries (in collaboration with Communication WG and patient representatives)
- Building user-friendly internal IT structure compatible with other international networks
CPMS-related activities of ITWG/RITA Helpdesk:
– Training for CPMS newcomers (HCP, Affiliated Partners, Coordination hubs)
- F2F training sessions during international congresses
- Site visits
- Online training sessions via real-time teleconferences
– Improving and maintaining the CPMS functionalities
- identification of problems and building guidelines for the RITA CPMS consultation process
- Improving and maintaining the quality of CPMS case description inputs (disease templates)
– Helping with specific problems from the CPMS registration of individuals to any technical issues
– Assistance to panel leads and panel members with individual steps in the CPMS consultation process
– Monitoring patient access pathways to CPMS consultations and building feedback forms
– CPMS performance monitoring and reporting problematic areas
ITWG structure:
– Chair
– RITA Helpdesk (Administrative, technical and IT-training core of the ITWG)
– Disease Stream representatives