We are delighted to share the organisation of the 1st International Pyrine Workshop, which will be held in Paris next 16 – 17 November 2023 and organised by representatives from the Tenon Hospital, a RITA member since 2022.

The spirit of this meeting is to bring together basic researchers, clinicians and patients to advance research in the field of pyrin – the protein involved in familial Mediterranean fever. The programme of the workshop will feature the best research teams on the subject of auto-inflammatory diseases.

The meeting is orgnanised in-person at the Saint Antoine Hospital in Paris, leaving considerable space for informal discussion and brainstorming. It will enable new ideas to emerge that will ultimately improve knowledge of the disease and patient care. This meeting was made possible thanks to the generosity of a patient who wished to bequeath part of his money to support medical and clinical research.

Participation fee: 25 EUR

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