Save the date: May 2nd 2023, 12:00 PM (CEST)

Register now to the next webinar of the Tuesday Lunch with RITA webinar series!

On 02 May 2023 at 12:00, we will have Prof. Isabelle Meyts from the University Hospital of Leuven.

In this webinar, Isabelle Meyts will talk about how she performs a genetic PID diagnosis.

Isabelle Meyts is a pediatric hematologist-oncologist and focuses on the study of genetically determined immunodeficiencies/inborn errors of immunity.

Prof. Isabelle Meyts

Juan I. Aróstegui & Despina Eleftheriou

You are kindly invited to send questions on the topic before the webinar to

The session will be recorded and uploaded to ERN-RITA Youtube channel, please check for all recordings and information on future webinars.