Save the Date: Tuesday 09 January 2024, 12:00-13:00 CET
Register now to the next Tuesday Lunch with RITA webinar!
Following the patient perspective of Pacale Elices on this issue, Professor Kevin Rostasy will focus his presentation on antibody positive autoimmune encephalitis, while Dr. Ming Lim will focus on antibody negative autoimmune encephalitis.
Up to 50% of children presenting with autoimmune encephalitis do not have identifiable neuronal surface antibodies. Nevertheless, these children have significant clinical morbidity and often have poorer outcome compared to children who have detectable antibodies. The diagnostic algorithm will be discussed, alongside pragmatic immunotherapeutic management strategies.
Invited speakers:
Prof. Dr. Kevin Rostasy, European Paediatric Neurology Society
Dr. Ming Lim, Royal Free Hospital London NHS Foundation Trust
Pascale Elices, President of ENMDAR Patient Association
Chaired by: Dr. Kumaran Deiva (Bicêtre Hospital, Paris)