Two new MOOCs have been developed on different aspects of rare disease research within the European Joint Programme on Rare Diseases (EJPRD) that could be of interest for students and PhD/Post Doc researchers in medicine and health-related research fields, Patients Advocacy Organizations’ representatives, healthcare professionals or paramedics who want to further their knowledge.
- From Lab to Clinic: Translational Research for Rare Diseases, developed by FFRD, EATRIS, Eurordis, EURO-NMD, and LUMC.
- Diagnosing Rare Diseases: from the Clinic to research and back, developed by FFRD, ERN Genturis, ERN Ithaca and Eurordis.
The courses are designed for individuals with a keen interest in rare diseases research.
Enrollments are possible throughout the year and the content is freely accessible for 5 weeks.
To support participants during their learning experience, expert mentors are available to answer to learners’ questions online:
- From Lab to Clinic: Translational Research for Rare Diseases, mentors will be online from Monday October 9th to December 2nd.
- Diagnosing Rare Diseases: from the Clinic to research and back, mentors will be online from Monday October 16th to December 8th.